Source code for e13tools.pyplot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Provides a collection of functions useful in various plotting routines.


# Package imports
    import astropy.units as apu
    import_astropy = 1
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    import_astropy = 0
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import transforms
import numpy as np

# e13Tools imports
from e13tools.core import InputError

# All declaration
__all__ = ['apu2tex', 'center_spines', 'draw_textline', 'f2tex', 'q2tex']

# This function converts an astropy unit into a TeX string
[docs]def apu2tex(unit, unitfrac=False): """ Transform a :obj:`~astropy.units.Unit` object into a (La)TeX string for usage in a :obj:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance. Parameters ---------- unit : :obj:`~astropy.units.Unit` object Unit to be transformed. Optional -------- unitfrac : bool. Default: False Whether or not to write `unit` as a LaTeX fraction. Returns ------- out : string String containing `unit` written in (La)TeX string. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as apu >>> apu2tex(apu.solMass) '\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}}' >>> import astropy.units as apu >>> apu2tex(apu.solMass/apu.yr, unitfrac=False) '\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}\\,yr^{-1}}' >>> import astropy.units as apu >>> apu2tex(apu.solMass/apu.yr, unitfrac=True) '\\mathrm{\\frac{M_{\\odot}}{yr}}' """ if import_astropy: if not unitfrac: string = unit.to_string('latex_inline') else: string = unit.to_string('latex') # Remove '$' from the string and make output a string (py2.7) return(str(string.replace("$", ""))) else: # pragma: no cover raise ImportError("This function requires AstroPy!")
# This function centers the axes of the provided axes
[docs]def center_spines(centerx=0, centery=0, set_xticker=False, set_yticker=False, ax=None): """ Centers the axis spines at <`centerx`, `centery`> on the axis `ax` in a :obj:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance. Centers the axis spines at the origin by default. Optional -------- centerx : int or float. Default: 0 Centers x-axis at value `centerx`. centery : int or float. Default: 0 Centers y-axis at value `centery`. set_xticker : int, float or False. Default: False If int or float, sets the x-axis ticker to `set_xticker`. If *False*, let :obj:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance decide. set_yticker : int, float or False. Default: False If int or float, sets the y-axis ticker to `set_yticker`. If *False*, let :obj:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance decide. ax : :obj:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object or None. Default: None If :obj:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object, centers the axis spines of specified :obj:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance. If *None*, centers the axis spines of current :obj:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance. """ # If no AxesSubplot object is provided, make one if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() # Set the axis's spines to be centered at the given point # (Setting all 4 spines so that the tick marks go in both directions) ax.spines['left'].set_position(('data', centerx)) ax.spines['bottom'].set_position(('data', centery)) ax.spines['right'].set_position(('data', centerx)) ax.spines['top'].set_position(('data', centery)) # Hide the line (but not ticks) for "extra" spines for side in ['right', 'top']: ax.spines[side].set_color('none') # On both the x and y axes... for axis, center in zip([ax.xaxis, ax.yaxis], [centerx, centery]): # TODO: STILL HAVE TO FIX THAT THE TICKLABELS ARE ALWAYS HIDDEN # Hide the ticklabels at <centerx, centery> formatter = mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter() = center axis.set_major_formatter(formatter) # Add origin offset ticklabel if <centerx=0, centery=0> using annotation if(centerx == 0 and centery == 0): xlabel, ylabel = map(formatter.format_data, [centerx, centery]) ax.annotate("0", (centerx, centery), xytext=(-4, -4), textcoords='offset points', ha='right', va='top') # Set x-axis ticker if set_xticker: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(set_xticker)) # Set y-axis ticker if set_yticker: ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(set_yticker))
# This function draws a line with text in the provided figure
[docs]def draw_textline(text, *, x=None, y=None, pos='start top', ax=None, line_kwargs={}, text_kwargs={}): """ Draws a line on the axis `ax` in a :obj:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance and prints `text` on top. Parameters ---------- text : str Text to be printed on the line. x : scalar or None If scalar, text/line x-coordinate. If *None*, line covers complete x-axis. Either `x` or `y` needs to be *None*. y : scalar or None If scalar, text/line y-coordinate. If *None*, line covers complete y-axis. Either `x` or `y` needs to be *None*. Optional -------- pos : {'start', 'end'}{'top', 'bottom'}. Default: 'start top' If 'start', prints the text at the start of the drawn line. If 'end', prints the text at the end of the drawn line. If 'top', prints the text above the drawn line. If 'bottom', prints the text below the drawn line. Arguments must be given as a single string. ax : :obj:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object or None. Default: None If :obj:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object, draws line in specified :obj:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance. If *None*, draws line in current :obj:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance. line_kwargs : dict of :class:`~matplotlib.lines.Line2D` properties.\ Default: {} The keyword arguments used for drawing the line. text_kwargs : dict of :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` properties.\ Default: {} The keyword arguments used for drawing the text. """ # If no AxesSubplot object is provided, make one if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() # Convert pos to lowercase pos = pos.lower() # Set default line_kwargs and text_kwargs default_line_kwargs = {'linestyle': '-', 'color': 'k'} default_text_kwargs = {'color': 'k', 'fontsize': 14} # Combine given kwargs with default ones default_line_kwargs.update(line_kwargs) default_text_kwargs.update(text_kwargs) line_kwargs = default_line_kwargs text_kwargs = default_text_kwargs # Check if certain keyword arguments are present in text_fmt text_keys = list(text_kwargs.keys()) for key in text_keys: if key in ('va', 'ha', 'verticalalignment', 'horizontalalignment', 'rotation', 'transform', 'x', 'y', 's'): text_kwargs.pop(key) # Set line specific variables if x is None and y is not None: ax.axhline(y, **line_kwargs) elif x is not None and y is None: ax.axvline(x, **line_kwargs) else: raise InputError("Either of input arguments 'x' and 'y' needs to be " "*None*!") # Gather case specific text properties if ('start') in pos and ('top') in pos: ha = 'left' if x is None else 'right' va = 'bottom' other_axis = 0 elif ('start') in pos and ('bottom') in pos: ha = 'left' va = 'top' if x is None else 'bottom' other_axis = 0 elif ('end') in pos and ('top') in pos: ha = 'right' va = 'bottom' if x is None else 'top' other_axis = 1 elif ('end') in pos and ('bottom') in pos: ha = 'right' if x is None else 'left' va = 'top' other_axis = 1 else: raise ValueError("Input argument 'pos' is invalid!") # Set proper axes and rotation if x is None: x = other_axis rotation = 0 transform = transforms.blended_transform_factory( ax.transAxes, ax.transData) else: y = other_axis rotation = 90 transform = transforms.blended_transform_factory( ax.transData, ax.transAxes) # Draw text ax.text(x, y, text, rotation=rotation, ha=ha, va=va, transform=transform, **text_kwargs)
# This function converts a float into a TeX string
[docs]def f2tex(value, *errs, sdigits=4, power=3, nobase1=True): """ Transform a value into a (La)TeX string for usage in a :obj:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance. Parameters ---------- value : int or float Value to be transformed. Optional -------- errs : int or float The upper and lower :math:`1\\sigma`-errors of the given `value`. If only a single value is given, `value` is assumed to have a centered error interval of `errs`. sdigits : int. Default: 4 Number of significant digits any value is returned with. power : int. Default: 3 Minimum abs(log10(`value`)) required before all values are written in scientific form. This value is ignored if `sdigits` forces scientific form to (not) be used. nobase1 : bool. Default: True Whether or not to include `base` in scientific form if `base=1`. This is always *False* if `errs` contains at least one value. Returns ------- out : string String containing `value` and `errs` written in (La)TeX string. Examples -------- >>> f2tex(20.2935826592) '20.29' >>> f2tex(20.2935826592, sdigits=6) '20.2936' >>> f2tex(20.2935826592, power=1) '2.029\\cdot 10^{1}' >>> f2tex(1e6, nobase1=True) '10^{6}' >>> f2tex(1e6, nobase1=False) '1.000\\cdot 10^{6}' >>> f2tex(20.2935826592, 0.1) '20.29\\pm 0.10' >>> f2tex(20.2935826592, 0.1, 0.2) '20.29^{+0.10}_{-0.20}' >>> f2tex(1e6, 12, 10) '1.000^{+0.000}_{-0.000}\\cdot 10^{6}' >>> f2tex(1e6, 12, 10, sdigits=6) '1.000^{+0.000}_{-0.000}\\cdot 10^{6}' """ # Collect value and errs together vals = [value, *map(abs, errs)] # If vals contains more than 1 value, set nobase1 to False if(len(vals) > 1): nobase1 = False # Calculate the maximum power required for all values n = [int(np.floor(np.log10(abs(v)))) if v else -np.infty for v in vals] n_max = max(n) # Check that n_max is a valid value if(n_max == -np.infty): sdigits = 0 n_max = 0 # If there are no significant digits requested, never use scientific form if not sdigits: power = None # Else, if n_max >= sdigits, always use scientific form elif(n_max >= sdigits): power = 0 # Create empty list of string representations strings = [] # Convert all values into their proper string representations for v, ni in zip(vals, n): # Calculate the number of significant digits each value should have sd = sdigits-(n_max-ni) # If the sd is zero or -infinity if(sd <= 0): # Then v must always be zero v *= 0. sd = max(0, sdigits-n_max) # If no power is required, create string without scientific form if power is None or (abs(n_max) < power): strings.append(r"{0:#.{1}g}".format(v, sd)) pow_str = "" # Else, convert value to scientific form else: # If v is zero, set sd to the maximum number of significant digits if not v: sd = sdigits # Calculate the base value base = v/pow(10, n_max) # Determine string representation if(base == 1) and nobase1: strings.append(r"10^{{{0}}}".format(n_max)) pow_str = "" else: strings.append(r"{0:#.{1}g}".format(base, sd)) pow_str = r"\cdot 10^{{{0}}}".format(n_max) # Check contents of strings and convert accordingly if(len(strings) == 1): fmt = r"{0}{1}" elif(len(strings) == 2): fmt = r"{0}\pm {1}{2}" else: fmt = r"{0}^{{+{1}}}_{{-{2}}}{3}" # Return string return(fmt.format(*strings, pow_str))
# This function converts an astropy quantity into a TeX string
[docs]def q2tex(quantity, *errs, sdigits=4, power=3, nobase1=True, unitfrac=False): """ Combination of :func:`~e13tools.pyplot.f2tex` and :func:`~e13tools.pyplot.apu2tex`. Transform a :obj:`~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` object into a (La)TeX string for usage in a :obj:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` instance. Parameters ---------- quantity : int, float or :obj:`~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` object Quantity to be transformed. Optional -------- errs : int, float or :obj:`~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` object The upper and lower :math:`1\\sigma`-errors of the given `quantity`. If only a single value is given, `quantity` is assumed to have a centered error interval of `errs`. The unit of `errs` must be convertible to the unit of `quantity`. sdigits : int. Default: 4 Maximum amount of significant digits any quantity is returned with. power : int. Default: 3 Minimum abs(log10(`value`)) required before all quantities are written in scientific form. This value is ignored if `sdigits` forces scientific form to (not) be used. nobase1 : bool. Default: True Whether or not to include `base` in scientific form if `base=1`. This is always *False* if `errs` contains a value. unitfrac : bool. Default: False Whether or not to write `unit` as a LaTeX fraction. Returns ------- out : string String containing `quantity` and `errs` written in (La)TeX string. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as apu >>> q2tex(20.2935826592) '20.29' >>> q2tex(20.2935826592*, 1500*apu.g) '20.29\\pm 1.50\\,\\mathrm{kg}' >>> q2tex(20.2935826592*apu.solMass/apu.yr) '20.29\\,\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}\\,yr^{-1}}' >>> q2tex(20.2935826592*apu.solMass/apu.yr, sdigits=6) '20.2936\\,\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}\\,yr^{-1}}' >>> q2tex(20.2935826592*apu.solMass/apu.yr, power=1) '2.029\\cdot 10^{1}\\,\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}\\,yr^{-1}}' >>> q2tex(1e6*apu.solMass/apu.yr, nobase1=True) '10^{6}\\,\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}\\,yr^{-1}}' >>> q2tex(1e6*apu.solMass/apu.yr, nobase1=False) '1.000\\cdot 10^{6}\\,\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}\\,yr^{-1}}' >>> q2tex(20.2935826592*apu.solMass/apu.yr, unitfrac=False) '20.29\\,\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}\\,yr^{-1}}' >>> q2tex(20.2935826592*apu.solMass, 1*apu.solMass, unitfrac=True) '20.29\\pm 1.00\\,\\mathrm{M_{\\odot}}' """ # Collect quantity and errs together qnts = [quantity, *errs] # If astropy is importable, check if there are quantities if import_astropy: # Make empty lists of values and units values = [] units = [] # Loop over all quantities given and split them up into value and unit for q in qnts: if isinstance(q, apu.quantity.Quantity): values.append(q.value) units.append(q.unit) else: values.append(q) units.append(apu.dimensionless_unscaled) # Obtain the unit of the main value unit = units[0] # Loop over the errors for i, u in enumerate(units[1:], 1): # Try to convert the error quantity to have the same unit as main try: values[i] *= # If this fails, raise error except apu.UnitConversionError: raise ValueError("Input argument 'errs[{}]' (unit: {!r}; {}) " "cannot be converted to the same unit as " "'quantity' (unit: {!r}; {})!".format( i-1, str(u), u.physical_type, str(unit), unit.physical_type)) # Value handling string = f2tex(*values, sdigits=sdigits, power=power, nobase1=nobase1) # Unit handling if(unit.physical_type != 'dimensionless'): unit_string = apu2tex(unit, unitfrac=unitfrac) string = ''.join([string, r'\,', unit_string]) # Return string return(string) # Else, handle given arguments as normal values else: # pragma: no cover return(f2tex(*qnts, sdigits=sdigits, power=power, nobase1=nobase1))