Source code for e13tools.math

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Provides a collection of functions useful in various mathematical calculations.


# Built-in imports
from functools import reduce
from math import factorial

# Package imports
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import cholesky, eigvals, LinAlgError, norm, svd

# e13Tools imports
from e13tools.core import ShapeError
from e13tools.numpy import transposeC

# All declaration
__all__ = ['gcd', 'is_PD', 'lcm', 'nCr', 'nearest_PD', 'nPr']

# This function calculates the greatest common divisor of a sequence
[docs]def gcd(*args): """ Returns the greatest common divisor of the provided sequence of integers. Parameters ---------- args : tuple of int Integers to calculate the greatest common divisor for. Returns ------- gcd : int Greatest common divisor of input integers. Example ------- >>> gcd(18, 60, 72, 138) 6 See also -------- :func:`~lcm` Least common multiple for sequence of integers. """ return(reduce(gcd_single, args))
# This function calculates the greatest common divisor of two integers def gcd_single(a, b): """ Returns the greatest common divisor of the integers `a` and `b` using Euclid's Algorithm [1]_. Parameters ---------- a, b : int The two integers to calculate the greatest common divisor for. Returns ------- gcd : int Greatest common divisor of `a` and `b`. Notes ----- The calculation of the greatest common divisor uses Euclid's Algorithm [1]_ with Lamé's improvements. References ---------- .. [1] Example ------- >>> gcd_single(42, 56) 14 See also -------- :func:`~gcd` Greatest common divisor for sequence of integers. :func:`~lcm` Least common multiple for sequence of integers. :func:`~core.lcm_single` Least common multiple for two integers. """ while(b): a, b = b, a % b return(a) # This function determines if a matrix is positive-definite
[docs]def is_PD(matrix): """ Checks if `matrix` is positive-definite or not, by using the :func:`~numpy.linalg.cholesky` function. It is required for `matrix` to be Hermitian. Parameters ---------- matrix : 2D array_like Matrix that requires checking. Returns ------- out: bool *True* if `matrix` is positive-definite, *False* if it is not. Examples -------- Using a real matrix that is positive-definite (like the identity matrix): >>> matrix = np.eye(3) >>> matrix array([[ 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 1., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1.]]) >>> is_PD(matrix) True Using a real matrix that is not symmetric (Hermitian): >>> matrix = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> matrix array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> is_PD(matrix) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Input argument 'matrix' must be Hermitian! Using a complex matrix that is positive-definite: >>> matrix = np.array([[4, 1.5+1j], [1.5-1j, 3]]) >>> matrix array([[ 4.0+0.j, 1.5+1.j], [ 1.5-1.j, 3.0+0.j]]) >>> is_PD(matrix) True See also -------- :func:`~nearest_PD` Find the nearest positive-definite matrix to the input `matrix`. """ # Make sure that matrix is a numpy array matrix = np.asarray(matrix) # Check if input is a matrix if(matrix.ndim != 2): raise ShapeError("Input argument 'matrix' must be two-dimensional!") else: rows, columns = matrix.shape # Check if matrix is a square if(rows != columns): raise ShapeError("Input argument 'matrix' has shape [%s, %s]. 'matrix'" " must be a square matrix!" % (rows, columns)) # Check if matrix is Hermitian if not np.allclose(transposeC(matrix), matrix): raise ValueError("Input argument 'matrix' must be Hermitian!") # Try to use Cholesky on matrix. If it fails, try: cholesky(matrix) except LinAlgError: return(False) else: return(True)
# This function calculates the least common multiple of a sequence
[docs]def lcm(*args): """ Returns the least common multiple of the provided sequence of integers. If at least one integer is zero, the output will also be zero. Parameters ---------- args : tuple of int Integers to calculate the least common multiple for. Returns ------- lcm : int Least common multiple of input integers. Example ------- >>> lcm(8, 9, 21) 504 See also -------- :func:`~gcd` Greatest common divisor for sequence of integers. """ return(reduce(lcm_single, args))
# This function calculates the least common multiple of two integers def lcm_single(a, b): """ Returns the least common multiple of the integers `a` and `b`. If at least one integer is zero, the output will also be zero. Parameters ---------- a, b : int The two integers to calculate the least common multiple for. Returns ------- lcm : int Least common multiple of `a` and `b`. Notes ----- The least common multiple of two given integers :math:`a` and :math:`b` is given by .. math:: \\mathrm{lcm}(a, b)=\\frac{|a\\cdot b|}{\\mathrm{gcd}(a, b)}, which can also be written as .. math:: \\mathrm{lcm}(a, b)=\\frac{|a|}{\\mathrm{gcd}(a, b)}\\cdot \ |b|, with :math:`\\mathrm{gcd}` being the greatest common divisor. Example ------- >>> lcm_single(6, 21) 42 See also -------- :func:`~gcd` Greatest common divisor for sequence of integers. :func:`~core.gcd_single` Greatest common divisor for two integers. :func:`~lcm` Least common multiple for sequence of integers. """ return(0 if(a == 0 or b == 0) else (abs(a)//gcd_single(a, b))*abs(b)) # This function calculates the number of unordered arrangements
[docs]def nCr(n, r, repeat=False): """ For a given set S of `n` elements, returns the number of unordered arrangements ("combinations") of length `r` one can make with S. Returns zero if `r` > `n` and `repeat` is *False*. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of elements in the set S. r : int Number of elements in the sub-set of set S. Optional -------- repeat : bool. Default: False If *False*, each element in S can only be chosen once. If *True*, they can be chosen more than once. Returns ------- n_comb : int Number of "combinations" that can be made with S. Examples -------- >>> nCr(4, 2) 6 >>> nCr(4, 2, repeat=True) 10 >>> nCr(2, 4, repeat=True) 5 >>> nCr(2, 4) 0 See also -------- :func:`~nPr` Returns the number of ordered arrangements. """ # Check if repeat is True or not and act accordingly if(r == 0): return(1) elif(r == 1): return(n) elif repeat: return(factorial(n+r-1)//(factorial(r)*factorial(n-1))) elif(r == n-1): return(n) elif(r == n): return(1) elif(r > n): return(0) else: return(factorial(n)//(factorial(r)*factorial(n-r)))
# This function converts a given matrix to its nearest PD variant
[docs]def nearest_PD(matrix): """ Find the nearest positive-definite matrix to the input `matrix`. Parameters ---------- matrix : 2D array_like Input matrix that requires its nearest positive-definite variant. Returns ------- mat_PD : 2D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object The nearest positive-definite matrix to the input `matrix`. Notes ----- This is a Python port of John D'Errico's *nearestSPD* code [1]_, which is a MATLAB implementation of Higham (1988) [2]_. According to Higham (1988), the nearest positive semi-definite matrix in the Frobenius norm to an arbitrary real matrix :math:`A` is shown to be .. math:: \\frac{B+H}{2}, with :math:`H` being the symmetric polar factor of .. math:: B=\\frac{A+A^T}{2}. On page 2, the author mentions that all matrices :math:`A` are assumed to be real, but that the method can be very easily extended to the complex case. This can indeed be done easily by taking the conjugate transpose instead of the normal transpose in the formula on the above. References ---------- .. [1] \ .. [2] N.J. Higham, "Computing a Nearest Symmetric Positive Semidefinite Matrix" (1988): Examples -------- Requesting the nearest PD variant of a matrix that is already PD results in it being returned immediately: >>> matrix = np.eye(3) >>> matrix array([[ 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 1., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1.]]) >>> is_PD(matrix) True >>> nearest_PD(matrix) array([[ 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 1., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1.]]) Using a real non-PD matrix results in it being transformed into an PD-matrix: >>> matrix = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> matrix array([[1, 2], [3, 4]]) >>> is_PD(matrix) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Input argument 'matrix' must be Hermitian! >>> mat_PD = nearest_PD(matrix) >>> mat_PD array([[ 1.31461828, 2.32186616], [ 2.32186616, 4.10085767]]) >>> is_PD(mat_PD) True Using a complex non-PD matrix converts it into the nearest complex PD-matrix: >>> matrix = np.array([[4, 2+1j], [1+3j, 3]]) >>> matrix array([[ 4.+0.j, 2.+1.j], [ 1.+3.j, 3.+0.j]]) >>> mat_PD = nearest_PD(matrix) >>> mat_PD array([[ 4.0+0.j, 1.5-1.j], [ 1.5+1.j, 3.0+0.j]]) >>> is_PD(mat_PD) True See also -------- :func:`~is_PD` Checks if `matrix` is positive-definite or not. """ # Make sure that matrix is a numpy array matrix = np.asarray(matrix) # Check if input is a matrix if(matrix.ndim != 2): raise ShapeError("Input argument 'matrix' must be two-dimensional!") else: rows, columns = matrix.shape # Check if matrix is a square if(rows != columns): raise ShapeError("Input argument 'matrix' has shape [%s, %s]. 'matrix'" " must be a square matrix!" % (rows, columns)) # Check if matrix is not already positive-definite try: is_PD(matrix) except ValueError: pass else: if is_PD(matrix): return(matrix) # Make sure that the matrix is Hermitian mat_H = (matrix+transposeC(matrix))/2 # Perform singular value decomposition _, S, VH = svd(mat_H) # Compute the symmetric polar factor of mat_H spf =,, VH)) # Obtain the positive-definite matrix candidate mat_PD = (mat_H+spf)/2 # Ensure that mat_PD is Hermitian mat_PD = (mat_PD+transposeC(mat_PD))/2 # Check if mat_PD is in fact positive-definite if is_PD(mat_PD): return(mat_PD) # If it is not, change it very slightly to make it positive-definite In = np.eye(rows) k = 1 spacing = np.spacing(norm(matrix)) while not is_PD(mat_PD): min_eig_val = np.min(np.real(eigvals(mat_PD))) mat_PD += In*(-1*min_eig_val*pow(k, 2)+spacing) k += 1 else: return(mat_PD)
# This function calculates the number of ordered arrangements
[docs]def nPr(n, r, repeat=False): """ For a given set S of `n` elements, returns the number of ordered arrangements ("permutations") of length `r` one can make with S. Returns zero if `r` > `n` and `repeat` is *False*. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of elements in the set S. r : int Number of elements in the sub-set of set S. Optional -------- repeat : bool. Default: False If *False*, each element in S can only be chosen once. If *True*, they can be chosen more than once. Returns ------- n_perm : int Number of "permutations" that can be made with S. Examples -------- >>> nPr(4, 2) 12 >>> nPr(4, 2, repeat=True) 16 >>> nPr(2, 4, repeat=True) 16 >>> nPr(2, 4) 0 See also -------- :func:`~nCr` Returns the number of unordered arrangements. """ # Check if repeat is True or not and act accordingly if(r == 0): return(1) elif(r == 1): return(n) elif repeat: return(pow(n, r)) elif(r > n): return(0) else: return(factorial(n)//factorial(n-r))