Source code for e13tools.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Provides a collection of functions that are core to **e13Tools** and are
imported automatically.


# Built-in imports
from pkg_resources import parse_version

# All declaration
__all__ = ['InputError', 'ShapeError', 'compare_versions']

# Define Error class for wrong inputs
[docs]class InputError(Exception): """ Generic exception raised for errors in the function input arguments. General purpose exception class, raised whenever the function input arguments prevent the correct execution of the function without specifying the type of error (eg. ValueError, TypeError, etc). """ pass
# Define Error class for wrong shapes
[docs]class ShapeError(Exception): """ Inappropriate argument shape (of correct type). """ pass
# %% FUNCTIONS # Function that compares two versions with each other
[docs]def compare_versions(a, b): """ Compares provided versions `a` and `b` with each other, and returns *True* if version `a` is later than or equal to version `b`. """ if a: return(parse_version(a) >= parse_version(b)) else: return(False)